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Model 70 Featherweight
Model 70 Featherweight Highlighted by a jeweled bolt body along with the knurled bolt handle, the Featherweight offers the classic pre '64 style controlled-round feeding with the three-position safety. It also boosts the M.O.A. Trigger System which is considered to be among the finest trigger available in bolt action specifications with zero take-up, zero overtravel and zero creep. Similar to the original Featherweight model, this update benefits from the angled-comb-Grade-I walnut stock with the Schnabel forend and the elegant satin finish with fine cut checkering. Recoil is reduced thanks to the Pachmayr Decelerator pad.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Winchester .270 Win.2242-1/27
Model 2 Bolt-Action Winchester .30-06 Spfld.2242-1/27
Model 3 Bolt-Action Winchester .300 WSM24447.25
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  • Andrew says:
    X-Bolt Hunter
    Nice rifle...
  • Meky X. says:
    Bolt-Action Centerfire
    This gun holds groups like no other. Great power, and doesn't ruin all the meat that a .30-06 does...
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