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Coyote Hunting Rifles &Shotguns

Coyote hunting has gained more and more enthusiasts over the last 2-3 decades, especially in those areas with rich populations, such as New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Arizona. It is an activity for all sorts of hunters, but it is not very easy to take down such a clever animal like the coyote. Coyotes inhabit all life zones of the Desert Southwest from low valley floors to the crest of the highest mountains, but especially open plains, grasslands and high mesas.


Coyote Hunting Guns

Coyote hunting guns come in a wide variety, but only a few from this selection are truly optimal for such hunting. Some of the more popular calibers are .22-250, .204 Ruger and .223. While some prefer the AR, other enjoy the bolt gun, it is a matter of taste and style. For long range shooting, expert hunters recommend using the .223 WSSM and the .220 Swift cartridges. The most affordable and efficient coyote hunting gun would have to be the Savage 110 (a varmint rifle).  For those of you on the look for a good coyote hunting gun, look at the famous manufacturers like Sako, Browning, Winchester and Remington as they offer a solid selection.


Coyote Hunting Rifles

Choosing a coyote rifle should be done with extra attention as it plays a major part in the entire hunting adventure. First of all, choosing the type of action depends upon the area where the hunts will be conducted and it also depends on the style of the hunter. The bolt action is undoubtedly very popular, as it is accurate and is able to accommodate a wide array of pressure levels and calibers. For those of us on a strict budget, a good single rifle would be a wise decision as they are reliable plus they can be found in a vast selection of calibers. Avid hunters recommend the following coyote rifles: Remington 700 VS in .308, Savage 12fv in .308, Ruger M77V, CZ Varmint American and the Winchester 30-30 Model 94.


Coyote Hunting Shotguns

A coyote hunting shotgun is a wise decision without any doubt, but what hunters must know is that these animals are very tough and they can go a long way with a couple of pellets in them. It is best to use 10 or 12 gauge guns with magnum loads of #4 buck and tight chokes are the way to go, and the closer, the better when you pull the trigger. Coyote hunting with shotgun is not very popular but done right, it could bring unexpected results. Our users recommend the following coyote shotguns: Remington 870, Remington HD T, Remington Turkey, Henry Pump Octagon and Henry Lever Action .22 Magnum.


Coyote Hunting Scopes

Choosing the most appropriate scope for your coyote firearm is one of the most important decisions any hunter has to make. Scopes of four power or variable scopes which go down to 3X are recommended, and if your hunting terrain only permits shots of fifty yards or less then you might prefer open sights. Experiment at the rifle range to see whether open sit shooting agrees with you. Our users recommend the following coyote hunting scopes: Leupold VX-III 3.5-10x50mm Illum. Reticle, Bushnell Elite 4200 6-24x40 Mil Dot 42-6242M, Burris Black Diamond 6-24x50mm Matte Ballistic Mil-Dot, Leupold VX III 6.5-20X40 LR Varmint Reticle and the Nikon Monarch 4-14x42.


There is no such thing as a best coyote hunting rifle, but there are some better than others. However, from all of the options available, the Savage Model 10FP in.223 stands out from the crowd, making it our best gun for coyote hunting yet. It is a very accurate and lightweight rifle, perfect for fast coyote hunts. Our users recommend using it at 100 yards seated. The accutrigger is excellent and adjusts from 6 lbs. to 1 1/2 lbs. There is no creep, and no overt ravel, just perfect. Everyone who has fired this rifle remarks at the great trigger.


Coyotes offer a small target. Shooting at them implies considerable skill particularly at longer distances. One of the best ways that we can tip the odds in our favor is by using a flat shooting gun. Savvy predator hunters usually customize their rifle. Common favorites among coyote hunters are the .22-250, .223, .243 and most recently the relatively new .204 Ruger. Heavy barrel guns are also favored with most coyote hunting aficionados. These guns are considerably heavier and therefore generally more stable to shoot. The choice of coyote hunting guns should be done depending on our hunting styles and the location where the hunts will be conducted.


To sum up, coyote hunting offers all the necessary ingredients for a wonderful hunting adventure. Actually, choosing the most suitable gear is an adventure that requires research, add to that the sport itself, and you got a hobby.

M 03 Solid
rifle review
Designed mostly for those hunters that prefer long distance shots, this model from Mauser comes with a thick barrel profile and the adjustable steel open sights. The model is also available in short barrel lengths and has a weight of approximately 8 1/8 lbs (3.7 kg).
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .308 Win.Caliber: .308 Win.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 8 1/8Weight: 8 1/8 lbs.
MauserBrand: Mauser 44Overall Length: 44 inch
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M 03 Basic
rifle review
It features a Mauser safety system for manual cocking, along with a detachable magazine with lockable button. Other goodies include the steel sights, fine checkering, an old-English style recoil pad, along with the select Turkish (wood quality grade 2) and the black forearm with the pistol grip butt.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .222 Rem.Caliber: .222 Rem.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7 3/4Weight: 7 3/4 lbs.
MauserBrand: Mauser 46Overall Length: 46 inch
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10/22 Compact
rifle review
The model has been fitted with a heat-stabilized, glass-filled polymer trigger housing assembly that was precision-machined out of high-tech materials for better manufacturing tolerances, abrasion and impact resistance, as well as unmatched ability to withstand the elements of nature.
Rimfire RifleType: Rimfire Rifle .22 LRCaliber: .22 LR
SemiautomaticSubtype: Semiautomatic 4.50Weight: 4.50 lbs.
RugerBrand: Ruger 34Overall Length: 34 inch
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  • mekky says:
    T-Bolt Sporter
    very fun to shot with. I had a blast last week at a coyote hunting day with my buddies...
  • Lewis H. says:
    T-Bolt Sporter
    It is an extremely awesome gun and it very accurate sighted it in with 7 shots at 100 yards. I use it mostly on coons and works great...
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