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SR-556 The Ruger SR-556 Semiautomatic Rifle has a chrome-plated, two-stage, piston-driven operating system, capable of offering better dependability in comparison with gas-driven rifles. It comes with a four-position, chrome-plated gas regulator that is capable of allowing the hunter to tune the rifle to specific conditions or ammunition. Also chrome-plated are the extractor, the bolt carrier and extractor. The Troy Industries quad-rail handguard provides a rigid mount for the piston-driven transfer rod. Included as standard are three 30-round MAGPUL PMAG magazines as well as a soft-sided carry case.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Semiautomatic Ruger 5.56mm NATO/.223 Rem.16.1232-3/47.92
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Model: 1
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  • Timmy says:
    Quad Varmint
    I absolutely adore the walnut stock of this Sako. I don't own one but i borrowed it from a friend for a couple of weeks...
  • Mark T. says:
    M 98 Magnum
    don't ask me why but i've always been a big fan of the M98 from Mauser. Bought a Magnum model a few years ago and it still works just as good...
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