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Super X3 All-Purpose Field
Super X3 All-Purpose Field The Winchester Super X3 All-Purpose Field is offered with two length of pull stock spares, sling swivel studs, drop and cast adjustment shims and three choke tubes (full, modified and improved cylinder). The bolt of the All-Purpose Field is plated with electroless nickel for reducing the friction and improving the corrosion resistance. The gun is entirely concealed in new Mossy Oak Break Up Infinity camo along with the Dura-Touch Armor Coating for ultimate grip, protection and feel. The gas-operated Active Valve System can cycle a wide range of loads and at the same time reduces the felt recoil in comparison to inertia-operated systems.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand GaugeChamber lengthBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Semiautomatic Winchester 123 1/226477
Model 2 Semiautomatic Winchester 123 1/228497.4
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  • becker S. says:
    Bought it with a Simmons .22 Mag 3-9X scope on it and is sighted in at 2 inches high @ 100 yards and shoots a very very close consistant pattern...
  • Frankie T. says:
    700 XCR II Bone Collector Edition
    Received it last Christmas from my big brother. It can shoot 130 grain barnes / 150 grain xp3 as well as 180 barnes, all inside and inch at 100 yards...
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