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Model 70 Coyote Light
Model 70 Coyote Light The Winchester Model 70 Coyote Light is available with a matte-blued receiver and medium-heavy fluted stainless steel barrel mount into a skeletonized aluminum bedding block that is set in a very lightweight carbon fiber/fiberglass composite Bell & Carlson for top notch accuracy. In order to reduce the felt recoil, Winchester has added a Pachmayr Decelerator pad. The flow-through vents on the fore-end considerably reduce the weight and at the same time help cool down the barrel during long strings of fire. The model is available in standard short action as well as WSM calibers.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Winchester 22-250 Rem.24447 .8
Model 2 Bolt-Action Winchester .243 Win.24447 .8
Model 3 Bolt-Action Winchester .308 Win.24447 .8
Model 4 Bolt-Action Winchester .300 WSM24447 .8
Model 5 Bolt-Action Winchester .270 WSM24447 .8
Model 6 Bolt-Action Winchester .325 WSM24447 .8
rifle bullet  Game

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Model: 2
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Model: 5
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Model: 6
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  • Jack Stewart says:
    A-Bolt II Hunter
    I purchased this very own model a month ago or so. I have to admit that I never owned a Browning rifle before...
  • daine says:
    BLR White Gold Medallion
    this is a great rifle i use it for moose deer and elk i shoot them from 400yrds no problem and i drop them i rate this rifle a 10/10...
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