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750 Woodmaster
750 Woodmaster The improved gas system of the 750 Woodmaster delivers super-fast slick cycling of the semiautomatic action. This will also reduce the felt recoil, making it a very easy to handle rifle also thanks to the balanced low profile design. The beautiful American walnut stock is completed by the machine-cut checkering and sling swivel studs. The open sights of the rifle are standard while the receiver is drilled and tapped in order to accept Model 7400 scope mounts. Available in the following calibers: .270 Win. and the .30-06. With a weight of only 7.5 lbs, it is one of the most maneuverable rifles available at the moment.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Semiautomatic Remington .270 Win.2242-5/87.5
Model 2 Semiautomatic Remington .30-062242-5/87.5
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  • Vicenze Torino says:
    Model 12 Low Profile Varminter
    The best rifle if you are short on $$$. Accustock is just great. I use it only for deer....
  • Lewis H. says:
    T-Bolt Sporter
    It is an extremely awesome gun and it very accurate sighted it in with 7 shots at 100 yards. I use it mostly on coons and works great...
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