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Model 70 Ultimate Shadow
Model 70 Ultimate Shadow The Winchester Model 70 Ultimate Shadow features a free-floating barrel and a M.O.A. Trigger System that considerably contributes to great accuracy. The traditional controlled round feed action continues to make the Shadow's receiver the most reliable and smoothest cycling available at the moment on the market. The model is offered with a 22", 24" or a 26" blued barrel and available in popular standard calibers as well as three WSM calibers.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Winchester .243 Win.2241 3/46.8
Model 2 Bolt-Action Winchester .308 Win.2241 3/46.8
Model 3 Bolt-Action Winchester .270 Win.2444 1/46.12
Model 4 Bolt-Action Winchester .30-06 Spfld.2444 1/46.12
Model 5 Bolt-Action Winchester 7mm Rem. Mag.2646 1/47
Model 6 Bolt-Action Winchester .300 Win. Mag.2646 1/47
Model 7 Bolt-Action Winchester .338 Win. Mag.2646 1/47
Model 8 Bolt-Action Winchester 300 WSM2443 3/46.12
Model 9 Bolt-Action Winchester 270 WSM2443 3/46.12
Model 10 Bolt-Action Winchester 325 WSM2443 3/46.12
rifle bullet  Game

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Model: 2
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Model: 3
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Model: 4
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Model: 5
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Model: 6
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Model: 7
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Model: 8
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Model: 9
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Model: 10
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  • Mike Huntley says:
    M77 Hawkeye All-Weather
    Wish it had a detachable box clip....
  • Lewis H. says:
    T-Bolt Sporter
    It is an extremely awesome gun and it very accurate sighted it in with 7 shots at 100 yards. I use it mostly on coons and works great...
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