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M77 Hawkeye Standard
M77 Hawkeye Standard This model comes with the Mauser type non-rotating controlled feed extractor and with the hinged floorplate on the internal magazine. The studs for mounting sling swivels are pre-mounted on the stock. The blued barrel is mated to a precision-machined receiver. The M77 Hawkeye Standard comes with an easy accessible three position safety which will allow the hunter to load and unload with the safety ON. Accidental unloading if bumped is avoided thanks to the hinged floorplate which is outfitted with a patented latch.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Ruger .223 Rem.22427.25
Model 2 Bolt-Action Ruger .22-250 Rem.22427.5
Model 3 Bolt-Action Ruger .243 Win.22427
Model 4 Bolt-Action Ruger .25-06 Rem.2444-3/48.25
Model 5 Bolt-Action Ruger .270 Win.2242-3/47.25
Model 6 Bolt-Action Ruger 7mm Rem. Mag.2444-5/87.75
Model 7 Bolt-Action Ruger .30-06 Sprg.2242-5/87.5
Model 8 Bolt-Action Ruger .308 Win.22427
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  • Roland Shockey says:
    Single Shot
    first id like to say that i dont own the single shot but i did however used one belonging to a friend of mine in canada...
  • Wayne Lulek says:
    Model 10 Predator Hunter Bolt-Action Varmint
    Nice cammo job. Very good trigger on my rifle but needed to get use to it but brakes like glass...
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