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Custom Rifle
Custom Rifle The Nosler Custom Rifle was created in order to take full advantage of the company's hunting bullets and guarantees accuracy potential of 1/2-inch or better three-shot groups at 100 yards with the help of the NoslerCustom hunting loads as well as the Nosler AccuBond bullets. It features a match-grade stainless, fully free-floated hand lapped barrel and a glass pillar-bedded fancy walnut stock. Just like the rest of the rifles from Nosler's lineup, it comes with Micro Slick and CERAKOTE finished for withstanding corrosion and intrusive weather damage, making this rifle a very rugged unit.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Nosler 300 WSM2443.758 3/4
Model 2 Bolt-Action Nosler 280 Ack Imp2444.258 3/4
Model 3 Bolt-Action Nosler 338 Win Mag24.7545.1258 1/4
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