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AXIS Stainless
AXIS Stainless The AXIS Stainless has a very sleek and modern design plus a silky-smooth operation. It benefits from a very handy detachable box magazine and is available only as a rifle and in a scoped package. It sports a stainless steel barrel with a high luster finish. The stock is synthetic and has a black matte finish. It is one of the most affordable rifles in the 2011 Savage lineup of hunting guns.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Savage Arms 30-06 SPFLD2243.876.5
Model 2 Bolt-Action Savage Arms 270 WIN2243.876.5
Model 3 Bolt-Action Savage Arms 25-06 REM2243.876.5
Model 4 Bolt-Action Savage Arms 308 WIN2243.876.5
Model 5 Bolt-Action Savage Arms 22-250 REM2243.876.5
Model 6 Bolt-Action Savage Arms 7MM-08 REM2243.876.5
Model 7 Bolt-Action Savage Arms 243 WIN2243.876.5
Model 8 Bolt-Action Savage Arms 223 REM2243.876.5
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  • Stanley Gibson says:
    Model 10 Precision Carbine
    This is a great gun to drop any dream buck....
  • jessica says:
    Model 8400 Patrol
    i love this gun its very easy to shoot i use it to hunt all the time it dont kick too bad and i would tell anyone i know to get one ...
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