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85 Varmint
85 Varmint The Sako 85 Varmint has a selected walnut stock that provides a high level of comfort and accuracy and at the same time it also features an extra-wide, flat-bottomed beavertail fore-end and a more pronounced pistol grip, necessary for an improved bench shooting position. The gun's integral rails for the scope mounts are located on top of the receiver. The heavy, totally free-floating barrel has been cold hammer-forged. It also has a single set trigger pull that is adjustable from 2 to 4 lbs.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Sako 204 Ruger23 5/843 1/88 1/8
Model 2 Bolt-Action Sako 222 Rem23 5/843 1/88 1/8
Model 3 Bolt-Action Sako 223 Rem23 5/843 1/88 1/8
Model 4 Bolt-Action Sako 223 Rem2039 9/167 3/4
Model 5 Bolt-Action Sako 22-250 Rem2039 9/167 3/4
Model 6 Bolt-Action Sako 243 Win23 5/843 1/28 5/8
Model 7 Bolt-Action Sako 260 Rem23 5/843 1/28 5/8
Model 8 Bolt-Action Sako 7mm-08 Rem23 5/843 1/28 5/8
Model 9 Bolt-Action Sako 308 Win20408 1/8
Model 10 Bolt-Action Sako 338 Federal 20408 1/8
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  • Lewis H. says:
    T-Bolt Sporter
    It is an extremely awesome gun and it very accurate sighted it in with 7 shots at 100 yards. I use it mostly on coons and works great...
  • jon says:
    10/22 Compact
    Haven't gotten a scope on, no need. Open sights hitting targets at 40+ yards including a squirrel. Very good gun....
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