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85 Classic
85 Classic The Sako 85 Classic has a straight, walnut stock with rosewood fore-end tip and pistol grip cap that has been oil-finished. The gun's magazine is detachable and it can also be loaded through the ejection port. The single-stage trigger pull is adjustable from 2 to 4 lbs. It is also available without open sights. It is available with a single-set trigger as option. The magazine release is prevented against accidental release.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Sako 243 Win22 7/1642 5/167
Model 2 Bolt-Action Sako 260 Rem22 7/1642 5/167
Model 3 Bolt-Action Sako 7mm-08 Rem22 7/1642 5/167
Model 4 Bolt-Action Sako 308 Win22 7/1642 5/167
Model 5 Bolt-Action Sako 338 Federal22 7/1642 5/167
Model 6 Bolt-Action Sako 270 Win Short Mag24 3/844 5/167 1/4
Model 7 Bolt-Action Sako 300 Win Short Mag24 3/844 5/167 1/4
Model 8 Bolt-Action Sako 25-06 Rem22 7/1642 3/47 1/4
Model 9 Bolt-Action Sako 6.5x55 SE22 7/1642 3/47 1/4
Model 10 Bolt-Action Sako 270 Win22 7/1642 3/47 1/4
Model 11 Bolt-Action Sako 30-06 Sprg22 7/1642 3/47 1/4
Model 12 Bolt-Action Sako 9.3x66 Sako22 7/1642 3/47 1/4
Model 13 Bolt-Action Sako 7mm Rem Mag24 3/845 1/167 3/4
Model 14 Bolt-Action Sako 300 Win Mag24 3/845 1/167 3/4
Model 15 Bolt-Action Sako 338 Win Mag24 3/845 1/167 3/4
Model 16 Bolt-Action Sako 375 H&H Mag24 3/845 1/167 3/4
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  • thomas shipman says:
    750 Woodmaster
    I owned a Woodmaster model 742 for years and killed well over a 100 deer with it and it never let me down...
  • Gary A. Plumlee says:
    870 SPS Super Slug
    I own 1 and tried several brands of ammo before I really found accuracy, it was the Lightfield Commander 3"...
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