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700 BDL
700 BDL The receiver of the 700 BLD is cylindrical and was machined from solid steel bar stock, offering strength and uniformity. The internal extractor is installed in a groove right inside the rim of the bolt face, thus supporting the cartridge head uniformly. Its recessed bolt face locks up inside the counter-bored barrel and is surrounded by the receiver, forming three rings of steel around the cartridge case head for excellent strength. The fluted blued barrels are drilled and tapped for installing any kind of aftermarket rifle scope. Available in the following calibers: .270 Win, .30-06, 7mm Rem. Mag. and the .300 Win. Mag.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Remington .270 Win.2444-1/27.4
Model 2 Bolt-Action Remington .30-062444-1/27.4
Model 3 Bolt-Action Remington 7mm Rem. Mag.2646-1/27.6
Model 4 Bolt-Action Remington .300 Win. Mag.2646-1/27.6
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  • Steven Fitts says:
    Howa/Hogue 20 Heavy Barrel Varminter
    Getting under 1/2 inch groups at 100 yards with proper cleaning. Great buy....
  • Jason Hanna says:
    Semi-Auto 22, Grade I
    Great little gun, passed down from my Mom, purchased in 1965 and still as accurate and dependable as the first time it was fired....
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