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11-87 Sportsman Super Mag Waterfowl
11-87 Sportsman Super Mag Waterfowl To differentiate it from the rest of the editions of the 11-87, Remington has added to the Waterfowl rubber overmolded grip panels on the forend and stock for a perfect grip, regardless of the weather conditions. The revolutionary and innovative SuperCell recoil pad technology is also here, reducing significantly the felt recoil. The impressive 28" barrel is capable of accepting Rem Chokes and the included Wingmaster HD Specialized Waterfowl Choke tubes are the perfect way to go when those big birds are cupped and committed. Add to all this the HiViz sights that come with interchangeable light pipes plus the included black padded sling, you have a great package.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand GaugeChamber lengthBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Semiautomatic Remington 123-1/22847-3/47
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  • Husker says:
    Very nice options. Never jams and is easy to clean...
  • Lewis H. says:
    T-Bolt Sporter
    It is an extremely awesome gun and it very accurate sighted it in with 7 shots at 100 yards. I use it mostly on coons and works great...
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