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597 .22 LR Rimfire
597 .22 LR Rimfire The bolt hammer and seal are nickel-Teflon plated in order to allow a smooth operation and a crisp trigger pull in all conditions. The barrel has a matte finish, just like the stock and the receiver. The 597-22LR includes a detachable 10-round magazine. The receiver is grooved and drilled/tapped so to allow a wide variety of scope-mounting options. The bolt locks open for visual clear-chamber safety. Available in the following variations: .22LR with a 20" blued barrel for the 597 and a .22LR with a 16" matte blued for the 597 VTR.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Semiautomatic Remington .22 LR20405.5
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  • Robert S. Thompson says:
    597 FLX .22 LR Rimfire
    I purchase this gun to use it for hunting and target practice as well...
  • Mark Newton says:
    Citori XS Skeet Adjustable Comb
    What can i say.. It simply demolished the clay bird and immediately after that i shot 95 out of 100 with it...
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