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Mini-14 Distributor Exclusives
Mini-14 Distributor Exclusives The Ruger Mini-14 Distributor Exclusives comes with the patented integral scope mounts that have been machined directly on the solid steel receiver for providing a stable mounting surface for the scope rings, which the manufacture offers bundled when you order the rifle. The accurate sighting system of this unit comes with a ghost ring adjustable rear aperture sight, as well as a protected, non-glare post front sight. Other goodies include the integral sling swivels and the flat buttpad for reducing the felt recoil.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Semiautomatic Ruger 5.56mm NATO16.13388
Model 2 Semiautomatic Ruger .223 Rem.16.13388
rifle bullet  Game

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Model: 2
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  • Stewart Hodgson says:
    700 CDL
    Got this along with a Leupold VXIII 3.5-10 x 40mm. the gun is able to shot 1" groups out of the box at 100 yds...
  • Brad Olson says:
    Model 70 Featherweight
    Best Bolt Action Rifle I have ever owned. It is light, accurate, and as appealing to look at as any rifle I have ever seen....
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