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TRG-22 The Sako TRG-22's base of the stock is made out of aluminum, to which the polyurethane forestock has been attached. It has a 17 mm integral dovetail located on top of the receiver for optical day/night sight mounting. The rifle's receiver has been drilled and tapped for Picatinny rail mounting. An optional detachable muzzle brake can be fitted, which will also act as an efficient flash-hider. The unit is supplied without open sights.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Sako 308 Win2645 1/410 1/4
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  • mekky says:
    T-Bolt Sporter
    very fun to shot with. I had a blast last week at a coyote hunting day with my buddies...
  • bobby hunter says:
    what can i say.. it shoots like a dream. deadly accurate. Use it mostly for quail hunting and works like a charm...
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