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TRG-42 The Sako TRG-42 has a sturdy bolt with three locking lugs that feed rounds unfailingly from the centerline of a detachable staggered 2-row magazine. The base of the stock is made out of aluminum, to which the polyurethane forestock has been attached. The stock has been designed for both right and left-handed shooters. The silent-in-operation safety catch has been installed inside of the trigger guard. This safety locks the trigger mechanism and locks the bolt in a closed position with the firing pin blocked.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Sako 300 Win Mag27 1/847 1/411 1/4
Model 2 Bolt-Action Sako 338 Lapua Mag27 1/847 1/411 3/4
rifle bullet  Game

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  • david says:
    700 BDL
    Astounding accuracy, even with high grade shelf ammo... a beautiful rifle that responds to being held and squeezed just right. What a gun....
  • Thomas H. says:
    700 CDL SF
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