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M 03 Old Classic
M 03 Old Classic The Mauser M 03 Old Classic has color case hardening for the base of the magazine, as well as for the trigger. It comes with a fluted barrel that is lighter and enhances heat diversion. Other highlights include the stainless steel cylinder that has been filled with tungsten beads, along with a titanium nitrated cocking lever and a de-cocking button. Available in various caliber configurations and mounts. All the ring mounts come bundled with steel rings.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Mauser .308 Win.23447 3/4
Model 2 Bolt-Action Mauser .270 Win.23447 3/4
Model 3 Bolt-Action Mauser .458 Lott25467 3/4
rifle bullet  Game

Model: 1
rifle dot pheasant
linelineline dot
Model: 2
rifle dot pheasant
linelineline dot
Model: 3
rifle dot pheasant
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  • Stanley Gibson says:
    Model 10 Precision Carbine
    This is a great gun to drop any dream buck....
  • mason k. says:
    700 SPS Varmint Rifle
    I needed somethin' that was accurate straight out of the box, i got lucky with the 700 sps. It easily shoot 3-4 inch groups at 800 yds...
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