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Single Shot
Single Shot The Winchester Single Shot comes with a Grade I walnut Creedmore-style stock that has a Schnabel forearm. The rear tang of the steel receiver is drilled and tapped for scope mounting purposes. The buttplate, lever, pistol-grip cap and the receiver are all color case hardened. The Badger half-round, half-octagon 30" barrel is medium- gloss blued and dovetailed for sight. The Single Shot is a black-powder cartridge rifle which is chambered in .45-70 and has an overall length of 46" and a 10.5 lbs weight.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Single-Shot Winchester .45-70304610.5
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  • Thomas O says:
    X-Bolt Medallion Rifle
    I got this with the .300 Win Mag. and I have to admit that it is great. The trigger is perfect, action is surprisingly smooth for such a caliber...
  • mikky s. says:
    Model 70 Super Grade
    i've had a lot of whincesteres before...
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