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Pump Centerfire Rifle
Pump Centerfire Rifle Based on America's most popular pump-action shotgun, this model has a clever balanced weight distribution and a very slim profile that offers shotgun-like point ability and balance. The robust slide of the Pump Centerfire Rifle features twin action bars for allowing smooth operating and rapid follow-up shots. Thanks to the quick release implementation, loading and unloading is done very easy. The rifle comes equipped with iron sights and is drilled and tapped for allowing scope mounts. It is available in the .30-06 Spfld. Caliber with a 22" matte black barrel and synthetic stock.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Remington .30-06 Spfld.2242-5/87.5
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  • Meky X. says:
    Bolt-Action Centerfire
    This gun holds groups like no other. Great power, and doesn't ruin all the meat that a .30-06 does...
  • Mike S. Stone says:
    Although it is a little bit pricey in comparison to other semiautomatic shotguns, it is worth every penny...
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