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Model 25 Lightweight Varminter
Model 25 Lightweight Varminter The Savage Arms Model 25 Lightweight Varminter Rifle benefits from the AccuTrigger technology which is adjustable from 2.5 to a maximum of 3.25 lbs. The rifle has an exquisite laminated thumbhole stock and has a medium-contour. The weaver-style scope bases come installed on the receiver of the Varminter. Coming standard with the rifle are the sling swivel studs as well as an extra stud for a bipod. Made in the United States, the 25 Lightweight Varminter benefits from a four-round box magazine.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Savage Arms .204 Ruger2443-3/48.25
Model 2 Bolt-Action Savage Arms .223 Rem.2443-3/48.25
rifle bullet  Game

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  • David Hightower says:
    870 Wingmaster
    Best Shotgun EVER made for the money. Handle it... practice with it... love it... it will take anything you aim for. Why pay more.....
  • yanik Nyberg says:
    T-Bolt Target/Varmint
    The T-bolt is good for beginners but not very powerfull...
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