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700 XCR II
700 XCR II XCR stands for Xtreme Conditions Rifle which means that this Model 700 is capable of bringing maximum results regardless of weather and environment conditions. It features the proprietary TriNyte Corrosion-Control System which offers groundbreaking scratch and corrosion resistance, far more evolved than stainless steel. In order to uniformly support the cartridge head, an integral extractor is set in a groove inside the rim of the bolt face. The receiver of the 700 XCR is machined from solid-steel bar stock which offers not only strength, but also uniformity.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Remington 7 mm Rem. Mag.2646-1/27.25
Model 2 Bolt-Action Remington .300 Win. Mag.2444-1/27
Model 3 Bolt-Action Remington .300 Rem. Ultra Mag.2646-1/27.25
Model 4 Bolt-Action Remington .338 Win. Mag.2646-1/27
Model 5 Bolt-Action Remington .375 H&H2446-1/27
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