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10/22 Compact
10/22 Compact The Ruger 10/22 Compact features an A380 aluminum alloy receiver that has been precision-machined and provides long-term reliability to the 10/22 action. It benefits from a hammer-forged barrel that has been locked in the receiver by a unique two-screw V-block system. Similar with other 10/22 models, the Compact has a detachable 10-shot rotary magazine that sports a unique rotor for separating the cartridges and providing reliable feeding. It has fiber optic front sights and adjustable rear sights.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Semiautomatic Ruger .22 LR16.12344.50
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  • Jim S. Frank says:
    The major selling point of the Ruger SR-556 is withot any doubt the four position gas regulator...
  • M. stroton says:
    870 Express Magnum Combo FR-CL
    great gun, used it on so many hard conditions that i cant even remember.... always dead-on accurate and it smooth cycles all the time...
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