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Predator Hunter MAX 1
Predator Hunter MAX 1 The Savage Predator Hunter MAX 1 has a matte finish and packs a detachable box magazine. In addition, it sports the well-acclaimed AccuTrigger and can be purchased only as a long-action model in 6.5 x 284 Norma. It also benefits from a synthetic AccuStock in Realtree Advantage Max 1 camo. The unit is drilled and tapped for scope mounts and has a carbon steel barrel.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Savage Arms 6.5 x 284 NORMA24448.9
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  • Ken says:
    Rotary Magazine 77/44
    Sighted scope in at 30 Yards shot at 100 still dead on. 11 year old son shot a Texas Dall at 175yds with this baby....
  • rob says:
    T-Bolt Stainless Sporter
    excellent rifle with a nice accuracy.. you can cut down the barrel if you wish to do so, but i think that's crazy, you'll just ruin a beauty!!!...
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