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Citori Heritage
Citori Heritage The Browning Citori Heritage is one of the newest additions in the Citori lineup and comes with a single selective trigger, a top-tang barrel selector/safety and hammer ejectors. As far as the stock is concerned, it is a lightning-style buttstock and forearm with a Grade V/VI walnut, along with a gloss oil finish and an Oval name plate. It comes as standard with three Invector Plus choke tubes (F, M, and IC), a black buttplate, ivory front and mid bead sights, along with an Elite grade ABS case.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand GaugeChamber lengthBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Over & Under Browning 282 3/428456.9
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  • Mika Victor says:
    R-25 Tactical
    Great rifle and very accurate...
  • travis kittell says:
    Mini-14 Mini Thirty
    only once jamed on me alittle on the high price been dropping deer and others for 4years I love it. ...
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