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BL-22 Grade 1
BL-22 Grade 1 The Browning BL-22 Grade 1 is a rimfire lever-action that comes with a straight stock and a tubular magazine under the barrel. The short 33 degrees levers throw for fast cycling of the action. This model is grooved for scope mounts. It sports a gold-colored trigger. It is available with a .22 LR caliber specification and with a 20 inch blued barrel. The approximate weight is around 5 lbs.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Lever-Action Browning .22 LR2036-3/45
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  • alex x. says:
    got it in the .308 winchester... versatile gun I'd have to say. Been using it for two years at coyote, fox and coon hunting...
  • David Kennedy says:
    Deluxe Featherweight
    Exceeded my expectations!...
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