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Silver Lightning
Silver Lightning The Browning Silver Lightning has a gloss finish Classic Lightning-style walnut stock and a barrel which has a lightweight profile and a ventilated rib. The aluminum alloy receiver of this model features a semi-humpback design and has a silver finish. The 12 gauge models are available only to Browning Full Line and Medallion Dealers. All of the models pack as standard three Invector-Plus choke tubes.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand GaugeChamber lengthBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Semiautomatic Browning 123 1/228497.9
Model 2 Semiautomatic Browning 123 1/226477.8
Model 3 Semiautomatic Browning 1232848 1/47.6
Model 4 Semiautomatic Browning 1232646 1/47.4
rifle bullet  Game

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Model: 2
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Model: 3
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Model: 4
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  • John2nm says:
    Model 1894 Custom Grade
    "Class of it's own, overall great gun."...
  • roby mandle says:
    Model 84L Montana
    Pretty good weapon. My brother has one, I've used it a couple of times to shot some wild rabbits...
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