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Semi-Auto 22, Grade VI Blued
Semi-Auto 22, Grade VI Blued The Browning Semi-Auto 22, Grade VI Blued has been fitted with a checkered gloss finish select American walnut stock and features adjustable sights with a gold bead front. The steel receiver of this model has a takedown design and game screen engraving with 24 karat gold accents. The polished blued finish barrel has been drilled and tapped in order to allow a scope mount. Other highlights of this model include the tubular magazine, crossbolt safety and a bottom ejection.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Semiautomatic Browning 22 S.19 3/8375.3
Model 2 Semiautomatic Browning 22 LR19 1/4375.3
rifle bullet  Game

Model: 1
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 2
rifle dot deer
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    This is the real deal. For any type of bird/waterfowl hunting, this it what you should use...
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