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CUB Mini Youth .22 LR
CUB Mini Youth .22 LR The Savage Arms CUB Mini Youth .22 LR Single-Shot Rimfire Rifle was designed entirely for young hunters who get a very lightweight rifle at only 3.3 lbs. and an overall length of 33 inches. It is available with a 16" blued barrel in the .22 LR caliber configuration. Savage added to this model a target-style rear peep/bead-post front sight system. The Cub Mini Youth has a laminated-wood stock with walnut stain.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Single-Shot Savage Arms .22 LR16333.3
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  • roger H. Harlod says:
    Model 101 Field
    got this baby on my 45th birthday and now i'm 55. it works like a charm. for small game it is the best i've used...
  • Daniel Kauczka says:
    85 Kodiak
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