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M 03 Solid
rifle review
Designed mostly for those hunters that prefer long distance shots, this model from Mauser comes with a thick barrel profile and the adjustable steel open sights. The model is also available in short barrel lengths and has a weight of approximately 8 1/8 lbs (3.7 kg).
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .308 Win.Caliber: .308 Win.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 8 1/8Weight: 8 1/8 lbs.
MauserBrand: Mauser 44Overall Length: 44 inch
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M 03 Match
rifle review
This Mauser is capable of combining exceptional accuracy with optimum balance. It was designed not only for hunters, but also for taking it to sporting competitions. The fluted barrel is optional, and the gun is available in several caliber configurations.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .222 Rem.Caliber: .222 Rem.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 8 1/2Weight: 8 1/2 lbs.
MauserBrand: Mauser 44Overall Length: 44 inch
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M 03 Alpine
rifle review
This rifle was designed mostly for those hunters that prefer a classic design. It has a subtle hog back stock with a double fold Bavarian cheek piece, as well as an updated pistol grip and a very stylish drop point forend. It comes exclusively in select grade 5 curl wood.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .243 Win.Caliber: .243 Win.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7 3/4Weight: 7 3/4 lbs.
MauserBrand: Mauser 44Overall Length: 44 inch
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M 03 Trail
rifle review
Another edition of the famous M 03 rifle, the Trial has a solid steel construction and a high impact stock, just like the one on the M 03 Extreme. The Muzzle-Safe technology reliably prevents moisture and foreign objects from entering the barrel of the gun.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .308 Win.Caliber: .308 Win.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7 3/4Weight: 7 3/4 lbs.
MauserBrand: Mauser 39Overall Length: 39 inch
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M 03 Basic
rifle review
It features a Mauser safety system for manual cocking, along with a detachable magazine with lockable button. Other goodies include the steel sights, fine checkering, an old-English style recoil pad, along with the select Turkish (wood quality grade 2) and the black forearm with the pistol grip butt.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .222 Rem.Caliber: .222 Rem.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7 3/4Weight: 7 3/4 lbs.
MauserBrand: Mauser 46Overall Length: 46 inch
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Red Label 28 Gauge
rifle review
It sports a dovetailed, free-floating rib with a brass bead front sight that is stress-relieved and has a contour-ground profile. In addition, it has been precisely fitted and silver-brazed (not soft-soldered) to the finished monoblock. It comes with a reliable, single mechanical trigger and unbreakable firing pins.
ShotgunType: Shotgun 28Gauge: 28
Over & UnderSubtype: Over & Under 6Weight: 6 lbs.
RugerBrand: Ruger 43.50Overall Length: 43.50 inch
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Red Label 20 Gauge
rifle review
It comes bundled with five steel shot compatible, screw-in Briley chokes and a wrench. It features two Skeet chokes as well as one Full, Modified and Improved Cylinder choke, plus one premium-quality choke tube wrench. It has a sleek and compact locking system, great for over-and-under shotguns.
ShotgunType: Shotgun 20Gauge: 20
Over & UnderSubtype: Over & Under 7.25Weight: 7.25 lbs.
RugerBrand: Ruger 43.50Overall Length: 43.50 inch
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Red Label 12 Gauge
rifle review
It is available with a finely polished, stainless steel receiver that is resistant to corrosion and has no exposed screws or pins. The engraved model features stylish scrolling and gold-inlaid pheasant pattern on both sides of the receiver. It sports a reliable, single mechanical trigger and sturdy pins.
ShotgunType: Shotgun 12Gauge: 12
Over & UnderSubtype: Over & Under 7.50Weight: 7.50 lbs.
RugerBrand: Ruger 43.50Overall Length: 43.50 inch
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Mini-14 Mini Thirty
rifle review
It benefits from a heavy, hammer-forged barrel for increased accuracy and rigidity, along with an accurate sighting system with ghost ring adjustable rear aperture sight, as well as a protected, non-glare post front sight. It is chambered in the 7.62x39mm and features integral sling swivels.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 7.62 x 39mmCaliber: 7.62 x 39mm
SemiautomaticSubtype: Semiautomatic 6.75Weight: 6.75 lbs.
RugerBrand: Ruger 37.50Overall Length: 37.50 inch
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No. 1 Distributor Exclusives
rifle review
It benefits from an ejector mechanism that provides maximum leverage at the point where the ejector engages the cartridge case and can be adjusted to provide extraction only. The model comes with a robust and sturdy, sculptured receiver that forms a rigid support for the stock, barrel and the sliding breechblock.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .257 RobertsCaliber: .257 Roberts
Single-ShotSubtype: Single-Shot 7Weight: 7 lbs.
RugerBrand: Ruger 38.50Overall Length: 38.50 inch
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  • yanik Nyberg says:
    T-Bolt Target/Varmint
    The T-bolt is good for beginners but not very powerfull...
  • mark peter says:
    Silver Lightning
    good gun, but not 100% accurate. still, it can give you quite some feelings !!!...
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