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Winchester Rifles & Shotguns Reviews

The famous Winchester Repeating Arms Company was the most influential firearm manufacturing company during the end of the 19th century and in the entire 20th century. The direct ancestor of the company was the Volcanic Repeating Arms Company, a company that produced the Volcanic lever-action rifle of Daniel Wesson and Horace Smith.

The company closed the factory in New Haven, Connecticut on January 16th, 2006. Later on that same year, on August 15th, the Olin Corporation which is the owner of the Winchester trademarks announced that they signed a licensed agreement with the Browning Company to make branded Winchester guns. The legend continues to live.


The Winchester rifles available today continue the legend that started over a century ago. The Model 1894 Custom grade is derived directly from the epic original Model 1894 from the 19th century. This 200th edition version along with the High Grade model commemorates the 200th anniversary of the birth of Oliver F. Winchester, the man behind this legend.

The Winchester shotguns like the Super X2 brought several innovations when they were introduced. The remarkable Super X2 Turkey model is one of the best selling turkey firearms available. It features technologies like TRUGLO sights, Mossy Oak camo and Activ Valve, making it a worthy shotgun for any avid hunter.


Winchester Rifle

For 2010, the Winchester rifles family has grown with several important additions to the catalog, all of them benefiting from the long tradition of the company. The updated 1885 Black Power Cartridge Rifle is one of the examples. It is a single shot lever action with a badger half round barrel. It features case coloring on receiver, lever and buttplate; Spirit level tunnel front sight with multiple apertures gives you precise sight picture for the distance and range of your target. Other important centerfire rifles include the Model 70 Sporter, Model 1894 High Grade, Model 1895 Safari Centennial Custom Grade, 1885 High Wall Safari Octagon and the legendary 1892 Trapper Takedown. A very relevant example of a rimfire Winchester hunting rifle is the 9417 Legacy which is chambered for the 17 HMR. It features a 22 ½” barrels which maximize the 17 HMR. It has fully adjustable sights with removable front sight hood and a hammer extension. Other important rimfire rifles include the 9422 Traditional, 9417 Traditional, 9422 Special Edition Legacy Tribute, Model 9422 High Grade Traditional Tribute and the 9422 Custom.


Winchester Shotguns

As far as the Winchester shotguns product line is concerned, the Super X3 shotguns family is one of the most famous in the world. Excellent products like the Super X3 Composite features Dura-Touch Armor Coating which provides an excellent grip during rainy weather conditions. This Winchester shotgun comes equipped with the self-adjusting Active Valve gas system and most important, the proprietary next generation Inflex Technology recoil pad that is capable of reducing the felt recoil up to 50% over that of inertia-operated autoloaders for faster follow-up shots and prolonged shooting comfort.


The best Winchester rifle is seen by many as the best hunting rifle ever produced. The model in discussion is of course the original 1894, also known as the 94. It was designed by John Browning in 1894 and manufactured by the Winchester Repeating Arms Company until the 1980s and later on by U.S. Repeating Arms. The first model was manufactured in .38-55 Winchester, .32 Winchester Special, .30-30 Winchester and the most popular .32-40 Winchester variant. The 1894 model set a record for being the first sporting rifle that was sold in over 7 million units. The best Winchester shotgun would have to be the original Super X2 which is a gas operated auto loading shotgun. Some of the more modern versions are self-regulating and others have interchangeable gas pistons allowing different loads.


The evolution of hunting rifles would not have been the same without Winchester firearms. The legendary 1894 model opened the road for other companies that launched their own products, introducing new breakthrough and patenting newer technologies that changed the world of hunting rifles. Although the company closed its doors in 2006, it will remain in the history of firearms as one of the most important players that played a crucial part in the evolution of hunting, in all of its forms.

Model 101 Sporting
rifle review
Offered with a richly blued receiver, the Model 101 Sporting has an authentic engraving framed by high-gloss grade II/III walnut. It sports a 10mm runway rib and white mid-bead, and TRUGLO front sights along with the five Signature extended tubes which come as standard.
ShotgunType: Shotgun 12Gauge: 12
Over & UnderSubtype: Over & Under 7.4Weight: 7.4 lbs.
WinchesterBrand: Winchester 46Overall Length: 46 inch
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Model 101 Pigeon Sporting
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This model from Winchester features the proven .742 back-bored technology that is combined with the Invector-Plus choke tube system and five Signature extended tubes (Light-Full, Improved Modified, Modified and Improved Cylinder and Skeet), giving the user ideal shot patterns from the very lightweight ported barrels.
ShotgunType: Shotgun 12Gauge: 12
Over & UnderSubtype: Over & Under 7Weight: 7 lbs.
WinchesterBrand: Winchester 47Overall Length: 47 inch
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Model 101 Pigeon Grade Trap Adjustable Comb
rifle review
Equipped with a wide 10mm steel runway rib, the Pigeon features a mid-bead sight and TRUGLO TRU-BEAD interchangeable fiber-optic front sights that offers a truer, more technical sight picture. The unit is available with a 30" or a 32" barrel and sports the Invector-Plus choke system.
ShotgunType: Shotgun 12Gauge: 12
Over & UnderSubtype: Over & Under 7.8Weight: 7.8 lbs.
WinchesterBrand: Winchester 47 3/4Overall Length: 47 3/4 inch
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  • Joe Ingram says:
    700 Sendero II
    Great long range rifle. It's too bulky for stalking but from a blind or stand it can't be beat....
  • yanik Nyberg says:
    T-Bolt Target/Varmint
    The T-bolt is good for beginners but not very powerfull...
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