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870 Marine Magnum
rifle review
The Remington 870 Marine Magnum is capable of withstanding all types of weather and environments with no efforts. The electroless nickel plating on all the metal parts of the shotgun, including the inside of the barrel, resists corrosion on all fronts.
ShotgunType: Shotgun 12Gauge: 12
Pump-ActionSubtype: Pump-Action 7.5Weight: 7.5 lbs.
RemingtonBrand: Remington 38-1/2Overall Length: 38-1/2 inch
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870 Express Super Magnum
rifle review
The Remington Model 870 Express Super Magnum is a smooth-cycling hunter that can handle almost everything, starting with 2-3/4" dove loads and ending with 3-1/2"x turkey tamers. This edition is available in either black or Realtree APG HD synthetic.
ShotgunType: Shotgun 12Gauge: 12
Pump-ActionSubtype: Pump-Action 7.5Weight: 7.5 lbs.
RemingtonBrand: Remington 48-1/2Overall Length: 48-1/2 inch
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870 Express
rifle review
The Remington 870 Express features a low-glare, bead-blasted blue-oxide finish and is available in laminate wood, synthetic and satin-finished hardwood. It comes with an impressive 3" chamber and a vent-rib barrel. Laminate stock models come with Truglo front bead site, M, F and IC Rem choke tubes.
ShotgunType: Shotgun 6Gauge: 6
Pump-ActionSubtype: Pump-Action 6Weight: 6 lbs.
RemingtonBrand: Remington 40-1/2Overall Length: 40-1/2 inch
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870 Wingmaster
rifle review
The Remington 870 family is the best-selling shotgun ever produced with more than nine million units sold. The Wingmaster edition continues the legend of the 870 and adds a gloss-finished hardwood stock and forend plus a polished bolt and high-luster blued steel.
ShotgunType: Shotgun 12Gauge: 12
Pump-ActionSubtype: Pump-Action 7Weight: 7 lbs.
RemingtonBrand: Remington 46-1/2Overall Length: 46-1/2 inch
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11-87 Sportsman Super Mag Waterfowl
rifle review
The Remington Sportsman Super Mag Waterfowl edition benefits from the patented pressure-compensating gas system developed by the company and are the certainty of a reliable and efficient shotgun. This edition of the 11-87 adds a full Mossy Oak Duck Blind camo coverage for ultimate concealment.
ShotgunType: Shotgun 12Gauge: 12
SemiautomaticSubtype: Semiautomatic 7Weight: 7 lbs.
RemingtonBrand: Remington 47-3/4Overall Length: 47-3/4 inch
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11-87 Sportsman Super Mag Synthetic
rifle review
The Remington 11-87 Sportsman Super Mag Synthetic is the ideal decision to take down that big bird. The model is available with a rugged weatherproof black synthetic stock and with an impressive 28" vent-rib barrel plus a reliable Rem Choke.
ShotgunType: Shotgun 20Gauge: 20
SemiautomaticSubtype: Semiautomatic 6.5Weight: 6.5 lbs.
RemingtonBrand: Remington 40-1/4Overall Length: 40-1/4 inch
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  • Rodney T. Stone says:
    Model 70 Extreme Weather
    Bought one about one year ago in .30-06 Spfld. It consistently shoots 1 MOA, sometimes even better if I'm trying hard...
  • alex x. says:
    got it in the .308 winchester... versatile gun I'd have to say. Been using it for two years at coyote, fox and coon hunting...
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