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85 Kodiak
rifle review
A newcomer in Sako's 85 lineup of rifles is the Kodiak which features a straight, waterproof stock that is made out of grey laminated hardwood and reinforced with two cross-bolts. The gun's short and free-floating "bull" barrel has adjustable open sights as well as a band type front swivel.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 338 Win MagCaliber: 338 Win Mag
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7 15/16Weight: 7 15/16 lbs.
SakoBrand: Sako 41 1/8Overall Length: 41 1/8 inch
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85 Brown Bear
rifle review
A new model in the 2011 lineup available from Sako is the 85 Brown Bear, offering a brown, matte laminated stock and a black steel look. The gun's strong, extended recoil lug is screwed on the fore-end. The integral rails for the scope mounts are located on top of the receiver.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 338 Win MagCaliber: 338 Win Mag
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7 15/16Weight: 7 15/16 lbs.
SakoBrand: Sako 42Overall Length: 42 inch
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85 Black Bear
rifle review
One of the newest rifles in Sako's lineup for 2011 is the 85 Black Bear that features a semi-heavy 21, 1/4-inch fluted barrel, all-black composite stock with soft gripping surfaces and blued action & barrel. It has fast acquisition iron sights with whole rear sight line and bead.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 308 WinCaliber: 308 Win
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 6 13/16Weight: 6 13/16 lbs.
RugerBrand: Ruger 41 1/8Overall Length: 41 1/8 inch
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85 Hunter Laminated Stainless
rifle review
Available with a high-grade stainless steel barrel, receiver and bolt, Sako's 85 Hunter Laminated Stainless has a grey, matte-lacquered laminated hardwood stock that provides a very stable platform to hold up in the most difficult conditions. The gun is well-matched with a silver grey scope and scope mounts.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 204 RugerCaliber: 204 Ruger
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 6 5/8Weight: 6 5/8 lbs.
SakoBrand: Sako 41 15/16Overall Length: 41 15/16 inch
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85 Hunter Stainless
rifle review
Sako's 85 Hunter Stainless has a high-grade walnut stock and weather-resistant stainless steel barreled action and metal parts. The totally free-floating barrel is cold hammer-forged of stainless steel. The Monteo Carlo-type walnut stock is oil-finished and provided with red recoil pad, traditional Sako checkerings and palm swell.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 204 RugerCaliber: 204 Ruger
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 6 3/8Weight: 6 3/8 lbs.
SakoBrand: Sako 41 15/16Overall Length: 41 15/16 inch
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85 Hunter
rifle review
The Hunter sports mechanical ejection and integral tapered scope mount rail. There is also a controlled feed in order to ensure reliable cartridge feed to the chamber on all situations. The gun's magazine is detachable and it can also be loaded through the ejection port.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 204 RugerCaliber: 204 Ruger
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 6 3/8Weight: 6 3/8 lbs.
SakoBrand: Sako 41 15/16Overall Length: 41 15/16 inch
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  • tom barkson says:
    Model 10 Predator Hunter Bolt-Action Varmint
    great camoflage, great optic plus a smoth action with a very nice to use triger...
  • Donald Coe says:
    Would like to see a quarter rib sight. The handling is fantastic! The wood was great...
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