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Quad Synthetic
rifle review
Sako's Quad Synthetic hunting rifle is available with a stylish modern synthetic stock, a black rubber recoil pad and blued barrels. The butt stock spacers are available for changing the length of pull. It has the same single-stage trigger as most of the Sako rifle, adjustable from 2 to 4 lbs.
Rimfire RifleType: Rimfire Rifle 22 LRCaliber: 22 LR
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 5 3/4Weight: 5 3/4 lbs.
SakoBrand: Sako 39 3/4Overall Length: 39 3/4 inch
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Quad Hunter Pro
rifle review
The Quad Hunter Pro was designed in order to bring the looks and feel of the traditional Sako hunting rifles, but with updated features. It has a full-size walnut stock that resembles to the design of the legendary Sako 75 and can bring the same level of accuracy that made the company well-known among hunting enthusiasts.
Rimfire RifleType: Rimfire Rifle 22 LRCaliber: 22 LR
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 6 3/16Weight: 6 3/16 lbs.
SakoBrand: Sako 40 3/8Overall Length: 40 3/8 inch
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85 Varmint Laminated Stainless
rifle review
Similar to the model 85 Varmint, the Laminated Stainless edition comes with stainless metal parts and stabile laminate stock, perfect for the hardest conditions out there. The gun's fluted barrel accelerates barrel cooling and at the same time offers the gun a very attractive look.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 204 RugerCaliber: 204 Ruger
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 8 5/8Weight: 8 5/8 lbs.
SakoBrand: Sako 43 1/8Overall Length: 43 1/8 inch
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85 Varmint
rifle review
Sako's 85 Varmint is a long-range hunting rifle that was built with the main purpose of delivering pinpoint accuracy for both hunting and target shooting purposes. It has a heavy, free-floating barrel that reduces recoil and vibration, and makes it considerably easier to zero in and stay on the target.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 204 RugerCaliber: 204 Ruger
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 8 1/8Weight: 8 1/8 lbs.
SakoBrand: Sako 43 1/8Overall Length: 43 1/8 inch
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85 Finnlight
rifle review
This model was designed for those hunters that prefer going deeper into the wild, thanks to the fluted barrel and the lightweight construction. The gun is also a good choice for young hunters and women. It has a new upgraded stock, offering more comfort and grip.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 22-250 RemCaliber: 22-250 Rem
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 6 3/16Weight: 6 3/16 lbs.
SakoBrand: Sako 40 1/2Overall Length: 40 1/2 inch
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Synthetic Stainless
rifle review
This model has black grip areas against the black satin-like stock, creating a stunning profile. It has a stainless steel barrel and receiver that are non-reflective and can provide durability, regardless of the weather conditions. The gun's magazine is detachable and it can be loaded through the ejection port.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 22-250 RemCaliber: 22-250 Rem
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 6 3/8Weight: 6 3/8 lbs.
SakoBrand: Sako 42 5/16Overall Length: 42 5/16 inch
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  • Brad Newman Jr. says:
    Model 70 Sporter Rifle
    i wanned somethin new for deer hunting so i got this gun...
  • Doug DeVore says:
    111 Lightweight Hunter
    The Savage 270 is the most accurate firearm I've used. I'll nail a hog with no problem. ...
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