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Model 84M SuperAmerica
rifle review
The model features an AAA-grade walnut stock with a hand-rubbed oil finish and an ebony forend tip. The 22-inch steel barrel has a highly polished blue finish and a match grade chamber. It also features a 3-position Model 70-type safety and a Mauser claw extractor.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 7mm-08 Rem.Caliber: 7mm-08 Rem.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 5.10Weight: 5.10 lbs.
KimberBrand: Kimber 41.25Overall Length: 41.25 inch
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Model 84M Classic Select Grade
rifle review
Another model from the 84M lineup from Kimber, it is offered with a 22-inch steel barrel that has a matte blue finish and a match grade chamber. The A-grade walnut stock has a hand-rubbed oil finish, an ebony forend tip as well as sling swivel studs and a recoil pad.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .223 Rem.Caliber: .223 Rem.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 5.13Weight: 5.13 lbs.
KimberBrand: Kimber 41.25Overall Length: 41.25 inch
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Model 84M Classic Stainless
rifle review
This model from Kimber features an A-grade walnut stock that has a hand-rubbed oil finish and is offered with a very efficient Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad, sling swivel studs and a steel grip cap. In addition, it comes with a stainless steel barrel that has a very elegant satin stainless steel finish.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .243 Win.Caliber: .243 Win.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 5.13Weight: 5.13 lbs.
KimberBrand: Kimber 41.25Overall Length: 41.25 inch
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Model 84M Classic
rifle review
This model is offered with a 22-inch steel barrel that has a matte blue finish and a sporter contour. It comes with an A-grade walnut stock that features a hand-rubbed oil finish and sling swivel studs. In addition, it is offered with a Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad and a steel grip cap.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .243 Win.Caliber: .243 Win.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 5.13Weight: 5.13 lbs.
KimberBrand: Kimber 41.25Overall Length: 41.25 inch
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Howa Thumbhole Sporter
rifle review
One of the newest models in the Howa lineup, it has been completely redesigned with a wood laminate sporter stock that is ambidextrous and has the same open thumbhole design as the Thumbhole Varminter. The model is available in Nutmeg or the new Woodland laminate colors.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .223 Rem.Caliber: .223 Rem.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action Weight: lbs.
HowaBrand: Howa 42.25Overall Length: 42.25 inch
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Howa Talon Thumbhole Varminter
rifle review
A new model from Howa, it perfectly mixes the performance features of a thumbhole stock with the award-winning Axiom Rifle Stock design. The Axiom TH uses the all-new Two-Stage dual Knoxx recoil compensating system that can reduce the felt recoil by up to a whopping 70%. It has a stock polymer and benefits from an alloy construction, making it both durable and reliable.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .223 Rem.Caliber: .223 Rem.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 8.3Weight: 8.3 lbs.
HowaBrand: Howa 42.38Overall Length: 42.38 inch
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  • John Salmon says:
    BAR Safari
    I've owned 2 30-06 BAR's the first I purchased in 1966 when I was 15 years old...
  • Rodney T. Stone says:
    Model 70 Extreme Weather
    Bought one about one year ago in .30-06 Spfld. It consistently shoots 1 MOA, sometimes even better if I'm trying hard...
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