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New Quail Hunting Season in Oklahoma

The new quail hunting season opened up again on Saturday 12th November 2011 in Oklahoma, despite surveys conducted recently indicating that numbers of the popular game bird were in sharp decline. The season will run through until February 15th 2012 and leading biologists are still encouraging hunters to continue just as they would have done in previous years, because there is a belief that the review figures were not wholly accurate, and late nesting, shortly after heavy rainfall in August, had not been taken into consideration, meaning the calculations were flawed.

Researches have already carried out a tagging exercise, where some of quail have been caught and fitted with a tracking device, before being released, so that their movements can be followed and any reproduction can be monitored. Hunters are being requested to contact either the Oklahoma State University or the Wildlife Department in case they successfully land one of the tagged quails.
There will be signs erected and displayed informing hunters of how they can go about reporting these incidents. Quail shooting hours and the regulations associated within them will differ on public lands across the state, but a quick look through the "Oklahoma Hunting Guide" will reveal any necessary clarification. Find more about this on www.wildlifedepartment.com
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  • M.S. Jackson says:
    887 Nitro Mag
    a great 12-gauge shotgun... it's really durable and high quality.....
  • roby mandle says:
    Model 84L Montana
    Pretty good weapon. My brother has one, I've used it a couple of times to shot some wild rabbits...
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