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Colorado takes on gun ownership

For a state which suffers more than its fair share of gun crime, it is not surprising that the sensitive matter of gun ownership regularly becomes something of a contentious issue. It has raised its head again recently following last summers tragic events at the movie theater in Aurora. Opinion is very much divided, with many lobbying that there simply is no need for a decent law abiding American to keep a gun in their home. However, unsurprisingly, there is a huge number with totally the opposite point of view. 

Many put forward the fact that a high proportion of these weapons are used as a food source and not as a way of collecting trophies or intimidating people. Those in this camp make the observation that they come from a family background of always being around guns and learning to handle them as well as appreciating their responsibility at a very early age. Their take on the murders is more that the troubled individual responsible needed help that others should have spotted, therefore to blame it on gun culture is the easy option.
Others stress the importance of learning everything there is to know about the weapon in their control. Some are just too powerful for an amateur to confidently handle without proper training. Small revolvers are quite a hit especially with the ladies, who find the bigger rifles intimidating, but a valid point made was that once in ownership then awareness of everything around intensifies, knowing the huge responsibility that having a gun carries.
What did seem to come through in a recent poll was that most folk are trustworthy members of society who acknowledge the importance of safety. Unfortunately, the unhinged crackpots out there were not it seems, part of the survey! 
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