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Black Powder Hunting

There is a growing number of hunters who are being tempted by black powder hunting that is offered in various states. This modern take on a practice dating back hundreds of years is proving popular due to the fact that the guns can be picked up at very low prices and they are just as capable of taking out any kind of hunted game as any of the newer rifles.

Muzzleloaders, as they are referred to, use either very precisely weighted charges or pre-weighted paper cartridges containing black powder or Pyrodex which is a form of substitute but has less density. The rifling in the short barrels of these type of guns are a replication of traditional styles and their accuracy is surprisingly lengthy, often in excess of 100 yards. 
They obviously will not be for everyone, but with them being available at such low cost they certainly worthy of taking a look at, and many soon discover that they can achieve their desired success rate at more or less half the price.  
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