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Abu Dhabi Exhibition

Reps at the 2012 ADIHEX - or to give it its full title the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition – have reported that sales of rifles were significantly up on previous years, up by as much as 20% in some cases. Over the 4 days it appeared that the .408 was amongst the most sought after.

Additionally the Big Game shotguns such as the Benelli Vinchi also proved very popular. There was some novelty guns on show in the shape of a set of 3 that were gold and jewel-encrusted, which was a nice break from the norm and attracted many admiring studies from attendees that numbered in excess of 100,000.
With VIP's and Sheikhs strongly in evidence their certainly was no baulking at prices. All in all it was another very successful event that seems to improve each year, so naturally eyes are already being cast towards next years feature.
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  • Jack Stewart says:
    A-Bolt II Hunter
    I purchased this very own model a month ago or so. I have to admit that I never owned a Browning rifle before...
  • Dana Clickenger says:
    Howa/Hogue Ranchland Compact
    For the money, this is a great rifle...
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