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Introducing the Slide Fire SSAK-47 XRS Stock
The new slide fire SSAK-47 XRS Stock has created quite a stir amongst rifle users, with its ability to more or less double the trigger speed and consequently fire off twice as many rounds.
Introducing the Slide Fire SSAK-47 XRS Stock
BAR LongTrac Realtree AP Left-Hand
The SHOT show 2012 demonstrated the some fabulous new ranges. The Browning BAR longtrac realtree AP left handed version was favourably received, with its hugely impressive improved features including: the receiver, the barrel, the stock and its smooth actioned trigger.
BAR LongTrac Realtree AP Left-Hand
The Remington Model 700 BDL 50th Anniversary Rifle
A commemorate version of the Remington Model 700 BDL rifle has been introduced to celebrate its 50th anniversary. Retaining all the classic features, this collectors item is sure to be popular with enthusiasts.
The Remington Model 700 BDL 50th Anniversary Rifle
The new Ruger American rifle
The new Ruger American rifle is being released in mid-January and is eagerly anticipated as a top entry on the low-end hunting market. It has many exciting features which promise to make it hugely popular.
The new Ruger American rifle
The Lyman Ideal Model Sharps Rifle
The new Lyman Ideal Model Sharps Rifle had a lot to live up to when compared to the previous version, but has come through with flying colours. A lighter weight takes a little getting used to, but is very rewarding.
The Lyman Ideal Model Sharps Rifle
Semi-Auto B.E.A.R. (Brown Enhanced Automatic Rifle)
The new B.E.A.R has completely enhanced the semi-automatic rifle, with some terrific innovative design features. The early signs are that this weapon is just as reliable and accurate as similar guns, but far more user-friendly.
Semi-Auto B.E.A.R. (Brown Enhanced Automatic Rifle)
The 300 AAC Blackout Semi-Automatic
The 300 AAC Blackout Semi-Automatic uses a system of sophisticated cartridges that can penetrate with advanced accuracy. Exceptional in the comfort stakes, this AAC developed weapon is at the high end of specialist rifles.
The 300 AAC Blackout Semi-Automatic
Remington ammunition recall notice
Remington have recalled some of their ammunition and are urging customers to check the final four characters of the serial number. There is genuine concern that the propellants of this faulty batch could put the owner and bystanders at risk.
Remington ammunition recall notice
The 6.5 Swedish Ruger No.1 Limited Edition Rifle
A limited edition of the Ruger No.1 has been released in the form of the Swedish 6.5x55mm, but only 250 have been manufactured, so it is imperative that interested parties move quickly to avoid disappointment.
The 6.5 Swedish Ruger No.1 Limited Edition Rifle
Browning Citori 725 additional information
Browning's new Citori 725 has had the Invector-DS choke tube system added as part of the many advances, which promise to make this gun so special. A cleaner, sleeker appearance transforms this weapon into one of the finest ever released.
Browning Citori 725 additional information
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  • thedeerkiller says:
    A-Bolt II Hunter
    looks good, performs well, dropped many deers with single shots everytime. i'd recommend to everyone!...
  • Becker Doug says:
    R-15 .450 Bushmaster
    This is the third rifle i ever bought and all i can say it is by far the best i had. although i paid a lot of money for it, it is just perfect...
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