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700 XCR II Mountain Elk Foundation
rifle review
Part of the Model 700 family, The Remington XCR II Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation benefits from all the features of the regular XCR model and it is decked out in Realtree AP camo. It also has an exquisite engraved floorplate do differentiate it from the standard model.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .300 Rem. Ultra Mag.Caliber: .300 Rem. Ultra Mag.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7.4Weight: 7.4 lbs.
RemingtonBrand: Remington 46-1/2Overall Length: 46-1/2 inch
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700 XCR II Bone Collector Edition
rifle review
The Remington Model 700 XCR II Bone Collector Edition benefits from all the features of the standard XCR II model and adds an emblazoned Michael Waddel's Bone Collector logo. It sports the black matte TriNyte Corrosion-Control System on the XCR II's stainless steel barreled action while stock is hiding in a Realtree AP camo.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .30-06 Spgfld.Caliber: .30-06 Spgfld.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7.4Weight: 7.4 lbs.
RemingtonBrand: Remington 44-1/2Overall Length: 44-1/2 inch
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700 XCR II
rifle review
The Remington Model 700 XCR II Rifle was especially designed to withstand various extreme hunting environments and features a corrosion technology along with an updated scratch-resistance feature. It also comes equipped with rubber overmolding in strategic locations.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 7 mm Rem. Mag.Caliber: 7 mm Rem. Mag.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7.25Weight: 7.25 lbs.
RemingtonBrand: Remington 46-1/2Overall Length: 46-1/2 inch
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700 CDL SF
rifle review
The Remington Model 700 CDL SF Rifle is precision-machined for bringing excellent strength. It features a very beautifully crafted walnut stock. The barrel and the receiver are made out of stainless steel.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .270 Win.Caliber: .270 Win.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7.5Weight: 7.5 lbs.
RemingtonBrand: Remington 45-1/2Overall Length: 45-1/2 inch
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700 Sendero II
rifle review
The Remington 700 Sendero II Rifle comes with a highly durable synthetic stock, perfect for all weather conditions. It features a black barrel and action, designed for hunters across the United States. It is one of the most accurate-out-of-the-box rifles available.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .300 Rem. Ultra Mag.Caliber: .300 Rem. Ultra Mag.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 8.5Weight: 8.5 lbs.
RemingtonBrand: Remington 45-3/4Overall Length: 45-3/4 inch
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700 BDL
rifle review
The Remington Model 700 BDL Rifle features a 26" fluted blued barrels and waterproof synthetic stocks. Similar to other models, it has hinged magazine floorplates. Benefits from a 40 year tradition of a smooth action and strong rifle with excellent accuracy.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .270 Win.Caliber: .270 Win.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7.4Weight: 7.4 lbs.
RemingtonBrand: Remington 44-1/2Overall Length: 44-1/2 inch
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700 CDL
rifle review
The Remington Model 700 CDL Rifle comes with a traditional American walnut stock with satin finish and offers a very modern carbon steel barrel. The receiver is precision-machined for offering maximum strength. The 700 CDL has a hinged floorplate magazine.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 7mm Rem. Mag.Caliber: 7mm Rem. Mag.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7.6Weight: 7.6 lbs.
RemingtonBrand: Remington 46-1/2Overall Length: 46-1/2 inch
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Model 70 Super Grade
rifle review
The Winchester Model 70 Super Grade Rifle comes with a fancy-grade walnut stock with swivel studs, very appealing to the eye. A modern M.O.A. Trigger System is included with this Super Grade edition and so is the Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad so that the hunter will have no worries about the felt recoil.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .270 Win.Caliber: .270 Win.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 8Weight: 8 lbs.
WinchesterBrand: Winchester 44-1/2Overall Length: 44-1/2 inch
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Model 70 Sporter Rifle
rifle review
The Winchester Model 70 Sporter Rifle combines accuracy with elegancy thanks to the crisp three-lever M.O.A. Trigger System fitted to the beautiful satin finish Grade-I walnut stock. It is a very balanced rifle and easy to carry around at only 7.25 lbs.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .270 Win.Caliber: .270 Win.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7.25Weight: 7.25 lbs.
WinchesterBrand: Winchester 44-3/8Overall Length: 44-3/8 inch
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Model 70 Featherweight
rifle review
The Winchester Model 70 Featherweight Rifle is equipped with the pre 69' style controlled-round feeding. Featuring a three-position safety, the Featherweight boosts the M.O.A. Trigger System along with the Premium Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad which drastically reduces the felt recoil of the hunter.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .270 Win.Caliber: .270 Win.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7Weight: 7 lbs.
WinchesterBrand: Winchester 42-1/2Overall Length: 42-1/2 inch
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