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Model 70 Ultimate Shadow
rifle review
The Ultimate Shadow has flowing lines and integrated, rubberized, oval-dot gripping surfaces on the pistol grip and fore-end, giving it a very special look in comparison with other composite rifles. The stock has a very comfortable feeling and gives a secure hold even when cold or very wet.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .243 Win.Caliber: .243 Win.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 6.8Weight: 6.8 lbs.
WinchesterBrand: Winchester 41 3/4Overall Length: 41 3/4 inch
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Model 70 Stainless Featherweight
rifle review
Made in the United States, the Winchester Model 70 Stainless Featherweight is available with a stainless steel receiver and a stainless steel barrel. Coming with a free floating target crown barrel it comes standard with a Grade I walnut stock.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .243 Win.Caliber: .243 Win.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 6.8Weight: 6.8 lbs.
WinchesterBrand: Winchester 42Overall Length: 42 inch
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Model 70 Coyote Light
rifle review
Unlike other varmint guns that have heavy barrels, bipod mounting studs and long range scopes, the Winchester Model 70 Coyote Light has been carefully trimmed of any unnecessary bulk without compromising its overall performance. It is available in WSM and standard short calibers.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 22-250 Rem.Caliber: 22-250 Rem.
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7 .8Weight: 7 .8 lbs.
WinchesterBrand: Winchester 44Overall Length: 44 inch
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rifle review
Offering reliable piston-driven performance, the SR-556 from Ruger features a quad-rail handguard with rail covers and a six-position, telescoping M4-style buttstock. Included as standard are three 30-round magazines and a soft-sided carry case. The Troy Industries folding battle sight are adjustable on this model.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 5.56mm NATO/.223 Rem.Caliber: 5.56mm NATO/.223 Rem.
SemiautomaticSubtype: Semiautomatic 7.92Weight: 7.92 lbs.
RugerBrand: Ruger 32-3/4Overall Length: 32-3/4 inch
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Single Shot
rifle review
This model from Winchester is a lever-action; single-shot hunting rifle equipped with a very beautiful Grade I walnut stock and a receiver which is drilled and tapped for a scope. This rifle is a black-powder cartridge rifle chambered in .45-70.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .45-70Caliber: .45-70
Single-ShotSubtype: Single-Shot 10.5Weight: 10.5 lbs.
WinchesterBrand: Winchester 46Overall Length: 46 inch
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rifle review
This model from Winchesters comes with a match-grade barrel with target crown and with a precision-machined aircraft-grade aluminum receiver. Offered with a camouflage finish, it has an ergonomic pistol-grip stock with adjustment options. As standard, it comes with a 10-round detachable magazine.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .308 Win.Caliber: .308 Win.
SemiautomaticSubtype: Semiautomatic 9Weight: 9 lbs.
WinchesterBrand: Winchester 41-1/2Overall Length: 41-1/2 inch
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Model 70 Safari Express
rifle review
It was designed specifically to handle heavy calibers and it is the perfect rifle for dangerous game. It boosts the classical pre '64-type claw extractor and for reducing the felt recoil, it comes equipped with a Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .375 H&H MagCaliber: .375 H&H Mag
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 9Weight: 9 lbs.
WinchesterBrand: Winchester 44-3/4Overall Length: 44-3/4 inch
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Model 70 Extreme Bolt-Action
rifle review
It was built to resist in any type of hunting conditions and it sports a free-floating, fluted, stainless steel barrel plus a Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad. The composite stock is an all-weather, textured Bell and Carlson and the claw extractor offers controlled-round feeding.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle 7mm Rem MagCaliber: 7mm Rem Mag
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 9Weight: 9 lbs.
WinchesterBrand: Winchester 43-3/4Overall Length: 43-3/4 inch
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BAR Safari
rifle review
This model from Browning comes standard with an engraved forged steel receiver. The centerfire rifle is drilled and tapped for scope mounting purposes. Available with a 22 inch barrel, it comes with a gloss finish, select walnut forearm and stock.
Centerfire RifleType: Centerfire Rifle .270 Win.Caliber: .270 Win.
SemiautomaticSubtype: Semiautomatic 7.375Weight: 7.375 lbs.
BrowningBrand: Browning 43Overall Length: 43 inch
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AccuTrigger .17HMR
rifle review
As the name says, this model from Savage Arms comes with the clean-breaking AccuTrigger. The model is offered with a free-floating barrel, especially designed to bring maximum accuracy. Included as standard, is the detachable five-round magazine.
Rimfire RifleType: Rimfire Rifle .17 HMRCaliber: .17 HMR
Bolt-ActionSubtype: Bolt-Action 7.5Weight: 7.5 lbs.
Savage ArmsBrand: Savage Arms 40Overall Length: 40 inch
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  • maxwell K. says:
    Classic American Rimfire
    managed to get my hands on one of these with a laminate stainless steel stock...
  • Mark Newton says:
    Citori XS Skeet Adjustable Comb
    What can i say.. It simply demolished the clay bird and immediately after that i shot 95 out of 100 with it...
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