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VersaMax The Remington VersaMax's gas system is a multi-ported barrel array with seven ports in the chamber, ports that are blocked off in concert with the unfolded shell length. The recoil pad is a thicker version of the high-acclaimed SuperCell pad. The shotgun sports an aluminum receiver that manages to keep the gun's weight at only 7.7 pounds and at the same time the model is self-cleaning as it was continuously cycled thousands of rounds in torture tests. The model is available in Black, Mossy Oak Duck Blind Camo as well as Realtree AP-HD Camo.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand GaugeChamber lengthBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Semiautomatic Remington 123-1/22849.758.25
rifle bullet  Game

Model: 1
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  • Bill says:
    M 03 Africa
    Are you insane? Rifles on grouse? Large caliber rifles on grouse? I did shoot one out of the air with a .22 once, but I sure wished I had a shotgun...
  • Deer hunting blinds says:
    10/22 Distributor Exclusives
    I have owned 3 10/22's and everyone is just as good as the one before. Great gun.......
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