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Model 70 Stealth
Model 70 Stealth The Winchester Model 70 Stealth features hinged floorplate and a Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad that significantly reduces the felt recoil. Also included are sling swivel studs with additional front stud for bipod and knurled bolt handle. Available with a pre-64 M.O.A. Trigger System action, it sports a three-position safety and controlled round feed. It has a steel matte blued receiver and a heavy contour target crown matte blued barrel. The stock is textured and features a full length aluminum bedding block and target forearm.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Winchester .308 Win.264610.75
rifle bullet  Game

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  • John2nm says:
    Model 1894 Custom Grade
    "Class of it's own, overall great gun."...
  • M. stroton says:
    870 Express Magnum Combo FR-CL
    great gun, used it on so many hard conditions that i cant even remember.... always dead-on accurate and it smooth cycles all the time...
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