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Model 70 Sporter Rifle
Model 70 Sporter Rifle Fitted with a cold hammer-forged barrel and with the high performance crisp three-lever M.O.A. Trigger System, the Model 70 Sporter Rifle from Winchester is also a looker thanks to the satin finish Grade-I walnut stock. In addition, it features a Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad so that the hunter will have no problems with the felt recoil. With a weight of 7.25 lbs, the Sporter is very easy to carry at the hunting field. Available with the following calibers: .270 Win., .30-06 Spfld. and with the .300 WSM.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Winchester .270 Win.2444-3/87.25
Model 2 Bolt-Action Winchester .30-06 Spfld.2444-3/87.25
Model 3 Bolt-Action Winchester .300 WSM2444-1/87.25
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  • Tobby Keith says:
    870 Express Synthetic Super Magnum Turkey
    hmm... what can i say 'bout it? simply put, its a Remington! a dual puurpose gun, very easy to carry around...
  • jessica says:
    Model 8400 Patrol
    i love this gun its very easy to shoot i use it to hunt all the time it dont kick too bad and i would tell anyone i know to get one ...
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