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Model 1885 High Wall Traditional Hunter
Model 1885 High Wall Traditional Hunter The Winchester 1885 High Wall Traditional Hunter Limited Series comes with a precise, adjustable tangent/tang rear peep sight and a standard elevator-type rear sight on the barrel in a buckhorn style. The model is available in the following caliber configurations: 38-55 Win., 45-90 Win., 45-70 Government and .405 Win. It comes with a Davidson's certificate of authenticity and a blade type front sight with a 1 1/16" gold bead. In addition it comes as standard with a Schnabel forearm which is finished in satin.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Lever-Action Winchester .45-702844 1/29
Model 2 Bolt-Action Winchester .405 Win.2844 1/29
Model 3 Bolt-Action Winchester .45-90 BPCR2844 1/29
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  • Kevin says:
    ADL Scoped-Rifle Combos
    Purchased it last year with the .300 Win Mag after several months of extensive research...
  • Husker says:
    Very nice options. Never jams and is easy to clean...
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