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M 98 Basic
M 98 Basic The Mauser M98 Basic has been fitted with a big rear sight, along with a brass bead sight. It has the traditional Mauser 98 action that has been machined out of one solid piece of high-grade steel. This model packs three lugs and a square bridge, as well as a very reliable 3-position wing safety and a high magazine capacity with easy unloading. Other highlights of this rifle include the steel PG cap, the rosewood forearm tip and an outstanding single stage trigger. You will also benefit from the rigby-style cheek piece and the hand-rubbed oil-finish.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Mauser .22-250 Rem.23448
Model 2 Bolt-Action Mauser 9,3x6423448
rifle bullet  Game

Model: 1
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linelineline dot
Model: 2
rifle dot deer
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  • Pygmaeus says:
    597 VTR .22 LR Rimfire
    I have fired aprox 2000 rounds through this rifle with only one FTF, which was cause by a swollen shell in the mag...
  • Lewis H. says:
    T-Bolt Sporter
    It is an extremely awesome gun and it very accurate sighted it in with 7 shots at 100 yards. I use it mostly on coons and works great...
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