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M 03 Alpine
M 03 Alpine The Mauser M 03 Alpine benefits from a sleek hog back stock that has a double fold Bavarian cheek piece, as well as a reshaped pistol grip with an elegant drop point forend. It is produced exclusively in select grade 5 curl wood and the decoration also includes extra fine fish scale checkering and ebony caps on forend and pistol grip. Available in mini & standard calibers, as well as a magnum configuration.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand CaliberBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Bolt-Action Mauser .243 Win.23447 3/4
Model 2 Bolt-Action Mauser .270 Win.23447 3/4
Model 3 Bolt-Action Mauser .338 Win. Mag.25467 3/4
rifle bullet  Game

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Model: 2
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Model: 3
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  • Brighton Niles says:
    870 Express ShurShot Synthetic Turkey
    I owned a lot of 870s shotguns and they all acted perfectly. This one is in the same line. Flawless, cycling and firing anything from 2...
  • jessica says:
    Model 8400 Patrol
    i love this gun its very easy to shoot i use it to hunt all the time it dont kick too bad and i would tell anyone i know to get one ...
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