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Cynergy Sporting Composite
Cynergy Sporting Composite The Browning Cynergy Composite Sporting with Adjustable Comb packs a Reverse Striker ignition system, a top-tang barrel selector/safety and impact ejectors. We should also mention that they've added three Invector-Plus Diana Grade choke tubes and the Inflex Technology Recoil Pad System. In addition, it comes as standard with a 1/4-inch stock spacer and a HiViz Pro-Comp fiber-optic sight. The stock features a Dura-Touch Armor Coating and has an adjustable comb.
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bullet rifles  Features
Category Brand GaugeChamber lengthBarrel LengthOverall LengthWeight
Model 1 Over & Under Browning 12332507.13
Model 2 Over & Under Browning 12330487.11
Model 3 Over & Under Browning 12328467.9
rifle bullet  Game

Model: 1
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 2
rifle dot deer
linelineline dot
Model: 3
rifle dot deer
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